Alleged Vote Fraud Protesters Use North Korean Font Banners


With last month’s presidential elections now done, it’s not all dusted for some. Controversy has sparked over the past few weeks with evidence suggesting election fraud. Shortly after the count, pictures surfaced on the Internet showing voting slips bearing competing candidates names being placed into the wrong pile, that of President-elect Park Geun-hye. Other incidents have included a photo of a ballot box found in a trash-dump site. Since, there have been candlelight vigils – and even a protest on the White House website, demanding a vote-recount, in particular from the defeated-leftists of Korea, commonly branded as ‘commies’ by the conservatives.


From Kuki News:

Protesters say ‘Re-count the vote!’ in North Korean fashion?…Alleged vote count fraud protest is criticised for supposed use of North Korean font

There is a rumour circulating far and wide on the Internet that the protesters against the alleged vote count fraud in the 18th Presidential Election held banners using ‘North Korean fonts’.

The protesters aka ‘Citizens to uncover the voting fraud scandal in the 18th Presidential Election,’ held a candle vigil on the 12th at the Daehanmun Gate in Jung-Gu, Seoul to demand hand-count for the latest Presidential election; they had first formed as a group on Internet forums and social network services.

The protest has come under fire due to banners that were shown on a web TV show that live-broadcasted the event, saying ‘Electronic Counting Result Invalid! We demand Hand-count!!’ Some internet forums claim that the fonts in the banners are ‘Made in North Korea,’ aggravating the controversy as to whether the protesters are ‘Jongpuks.’ The allegedly North Korean fonts are as follows: ‘WKW Light of Hope’ and ‘Light of Hope Flat.’

The right-leaning netizens responded to the controversy saying, ‘Are they really North Korean fonts?’, ‘Seriously, do WKW Light of Hope and Light of Hope fonts exist?’, ‘Who would’ve used North Korean fonts besides Jongpuks?’, ‘We’ve got to get to the bottom of this, who made those banners and handed them out?’, and ‘The banner designer has to come forward and clear any doubt.’ Opposing opinions are also strong, ‘Those are nothing but ordinary fonts, easily available for sale’, ‘Our thoughts are trapped in the discourse of anti-communism yet again’, and ‘They are dismantling the fundamental reasoning of hand-count.’

It is yet unknown who made the banners and disseminated them to the crowds. ‘Citizens to uncover the voting fraud scandal in the 18th Presidential Election’ has not explained their position on the banner scandal. There are promotional items and posters on their Daum internet community but nothing related to the scandal.

According to police estimates, 500-odd citizens gathered for the protest, saying ‘the government is dismissing the possibility of voting fraud, even though video evidence has been found; the votes are clearly miscategorised in the video. We demand an honest hand-count to eliminate any shred of doubt.’

And they also demanded the government to disclose all related information including the hourly results of 252 electoral districts, general explanation on the electronic counting process, and the process and result of absentee voting.

Comments from Nate:


What’s wrong with North Koreans using North Korean fonts?


Ha! There’s a good reason for Comrade Lee Jeong-hee to demand a hand-count! It never would’ve been possible without a secret command from the North. Why did they use bukanistan’s [North Korean] fonts, even though a variety of South Korean fonts are available? The Democratic United Party should better make it clear about their position; otherwise we’ll start wondering why.


Wow… I thought they’re just a bunch of idiots who are obsessed with conspiracy theories.. But they really ARE leftist zombies.. duh duh..


It doesn’t matter. Those Jongpuks don’t intend to re-count the votes after all. What they wanna do is to label Park as a fraudulently elected President; in hopes of preventing her from having any work done for the next five years at worst, ruining this nation like they did during the US beef protest at best.


One spy gives birth to a hundred Jongpuks and 10 thousands of leftists.


I didn’t take it seriously when people were telling me liberals are leftist commies, but I guess they’re right. duh duh


Dig into who’s behind this, and we’ll see the Worker’s Party of Korea’s secret command.


I heard those fonts are out of reach for most people. duh duh


You know North Koreans only use their own fonts? It’s plain and simple, they’re spies. ke


I wonder whether there are any ‘true’ liberals in Korea. They hit a new low by using the Commies’ fonts. I guess they have some secret agenda from the North.. Hey, jwajoms [left-wing zombies]! Try and explain this scandal!


Most Koreans may have been fooled by your tactics during the US beef protest, but now it’s not gonna be that easy this time. Those protesters are nothing but Jongpuks.


We’ve got to launch an investigation on the US beef protest. I doubt they really are South Koreans. I think it’s absolutely necessary in 2013 to hunt down every bbalgaeng-i [commie]; there must be hundreds of thousands of commies on left-leaning websites like Daum and Today Humor.


What the heck is this;; It’s scary..


The infinite loop of leftists’ repertoire: hand-count -> takes long time -> the result is the same -> given that it took long time to do the job, there must be a fraud -> celebrity getting married -> Park must be trying to hide the fraud by using the celebrity.


Just think who they are trying to please, whether it’s the North Korean piggyke ke


I can imagine what kind of characters are behind the protest.. duh duh


This is serious… ㅡㅡ;;


Those bbalgaeng-i saekkis


President-elect Park Geun-hye, please could you do me a favour? There are too many people in South Korea who are longingly looking at the North. Seriously, some people just can’t let it go of the past that forced them to abandon their home during the Korean War and still yearning for going back. I’d like you to support and send them back to North Korea. Please. I’m begging you.


It’s damn hard to get those fonts. ke ke ke ke

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