“Infinite Challenge,” a popular Korean variety show known for putting its members in strange and impossible situations including finding a wife for ex-member No Hong-chul, has taken to social media to announce it is looking for a new member to join the show. After No Hong-chul’s departure from the show after a DUI-related accident, the show was left with only five members instead of the original six. The show’s members are asking the public to leave them messages on twitter tagging the name of person they would like to see join the team. Some netizens chime in with recommendations, while others are dismayed, and threaten to stop watching the show if certain people join as the sixth member.
Video from My Daily:
“Infinite Challenge,” Looking for a New Member? “Please Recommend Sixth Man”
The five-person MBC show “Infinite Challenge” is looking for ‘sixth man.’
The afternoon of March 5, “Infinite Challenge” posted the following on its public twitter: “Please recommend a sixth member for ‘Infinite Challenge.’ We are actively accepting recommendations for new faces on our broadcast through #Infinite Challenge Sixth Man.
In the picture they shared on Twitter, the 5 members of ‘Infinite Challenge’ were seated around a conference table in a luxurious looking room, and seemed to be in the mist of a summit meeting.
Last year, singer Kil and entertainer No Hong-chul got in a nasty accident, after which No left the show, leaving the 5-person show to start thinking about finding new members.
You can recommend a sixth new man for “Infinite Challenge” through their public Twitter account.
Comments from Naver:
They’re not really going to pick new members, right? I like it better the way it is right now.
I hope it won’t be an idol that doesn’t fit.
If we could let No Hong-chul come back after some time passes ㅠㅠ
Just leave the show the way it is…….
The way it is now is the best, assuming that No Hong-chul won’t be back.
Even if you get a new member, I hope it’s not Kim Young-chul or Kim Jae-dong
They’re not actually doing it, they’re just doing a parody of Kingsman. In the movie, agents dress up in suits and personally bring and recommend their own successor for Kingsman. It’s just a special feature, so don’t worry about them choosing a new member.
Add an idol out of nowhere…not.
Don’t choose Kim Jae-dong…Even if you beat me to death, I wouldn’t want him on the show.
I recommend Kim Tae-ho PD![Director]
If Jang Dong-min came on the show, I will stop watching Infinite Challenge, which I’ve been a loyal viewer of for ten years. Don’t even consider guys like Jang dong-min and Yoo Sae-yoon, who are very polarizing for viewers.
Stop it, just keep it as the five person show.
I recommend Lee Myung-bak…who can take over the missing conman role.
;; I don’t want to see the process of a new member settling in again…can’t they just keep things the way they are?