Concerned citizens donate to a young mother who was arrested for stealing milk after not being able to afford the upkeep costs associated with having a child.
Ilbe finds itself at the centre of another scandal as a more progressive site threatens an Ilbe user for reusing material, naming and pursuing her offline.
Civic group searches for Korean men who fathered children with prostitutes in the Philippines and then abandoned them, leading to national shame
New smoking ban in Korea prohibits smoking inside internet cages, inciting protest from users and owners.
Civic groups launch protest to remove statues in honor of generals, scholars who turned out to be collaborators with colonial Japan.
New meme captures the "Feminazis, Zealots, and Retards" of the most popular internet communities Nate Pann, I Love Soccer, Women's Generation, and more
Self-titled champion of "practical politics" left at a loss for words when a distressed businessman asks him the price of ramen, criticizes his lack of practical knowledge
The Korean Military Academy has come under fire for not releasing news of an on-campus sexual assault until more than a week after the inceident happened.